Tips Memilih Ukuran Kabel sesuai Kebutuhan Instalasi Listrik Rumah

Electricity is one of the most essential requirements in every household. It is essential to ensure that your home has an adequate and safe electrical installation to cater to all your electrical needs. One aspect that you must consider while installing the electrical system in your home is choosing the right cable size. Choosing the wrong cable size can lead to electrical hazards and may even cause fire accidents. In this article, we’ll discuss some tips for choosing the right cable size based on your home electrical requirements.

1. Check the Ampere rating

The Ampere rating is the amount of current that the cable can safely handle. The Ampere rating is directly proportional to the diameter of the cable. The larger the diameter, the more current it can handle. Before choosing the cable, you must know the Ampere rating of the appliances that you intend to connect to it. You can check the Ampere rating by referring to the instruction manual of the appliance or the label on the appliance. Once you have the Ampere rating, you can calculate the cable size using the following formula:

Cable size (mm²) = (Ampere rating x 1.25) / (Current density x Voltage drop)

2. Determine the Current Density

The Current Density is an important factor that determines the heat produced by the cable. It is the amount of current that flows through per unit area of the cable. The Current Density will depend on the cable’s insulation, ambient temperature, and the installation method. The recommended current density for copper cables is 2A/mm² for normal installation and up to 4A/mm² for a well-ventilated area.

3. Calculate Voltage Drop

Voltage Drop is the amount of voltage that is lost when the current flows through the cable due to resistance. The voltage drop depends on the cable length, the current flow, and the cable size. The voltage drop should not exceed 3% of the supply voltage. Excessive voltage drop can damage the appliances and cause a fire hazard.

4. Choose the Correct Cable Type

The type of cable you choose will depend on the location and installation. For example, the cable used outdoor should be resistant to UV radiation, water, and environmental elements. For an underground installation, you should use cables that are rated for burial, such as armored cables.


Choosing the right cable size is an essential aspect of your home’s electrical installation; you must ensure that the size can handle the current and voltage required by your appliances. The tips above should guide you in selecting the appropriate cable size, current density, and voltage drop, resulting in a safe and efficient electrical installation.